Le moteur du FLE 🚀

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Exemple : émotions "présent de l'indicatif"

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Thème : Compréhension Écrite A1


Cette dernière semaine de cours, avec la première année du niveau basique nous avons fait une compréhension écrite pour travailler le thème de l’identification personnelle. CE IDENTIFICATION PERSONNELLE CORRIGÉ CE IDENTIFICATION PERSONNELLE

image pixabay comcette derniere semaine de cours avec la premiere annee du niveau basique nous avons fait une comprehension ecrite pour travailler le theme de l identification personnelle ce identification personnellecorrige ce identification personnelle cid 7 cid 1 cid 2 cid 3 cid 4 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 6 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 6 cid 6 cid 7 cid 8 cid 9 cid 10 cid 11 cid 2 cid 3 cid 4 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 6 cid 6 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 5 cid 7 cid 12 cid 6 cid 13 cid 14 cid 15 cid 16 cid 17 cid 18 cid 1 cid 19 cid 7 cid 20 cid 7 cid 21 cid 22 cid 7 cid 23 cid 24 cid 11 cid 25 cid 2 cid 26 cid 27 cid 7 cid 14 cid 28 cid 26 cid 29 cid 9 cid 30 cid 29 cid 31 cid 7 cid 29 cid 7 cid 2 cid 24 cid 3 cid 29 cid 11 cid 25 cid 7 cid 26 cid 24 cid 30 cid 11 cid 25 cid 7 cid 29 cid 25 cid 7 cid 9 cid 10 cid 23 cid 2 cid 11 cid 29 cid 31 cid 7 cid 24 cid 7 cid 24 cid 29 cid 26 cid 25 cid 2 cid 11 cid 26 cid 7 cid 29 cid 26 cid 26 cid 2 cid 24 cid 26 cid 6 cid 7 cid 1 cid 2 cid 3 cid 4 cid 4 cid 5 cid 6 cid 7 cid 6 cid 18 cid 7 cid 7 cid 12 cid 20 cid 7 cid 7 cid 1 cid 2 cid 3 cid 7 cid 13 cid 14 cid 15 cid 10 cid 14 cid 16 cid 12 cid 6 cid 9 cid 10 cid 14 cid 6 cid 9 cid 12 cid 3 cid 14 cid 6 cid 12 cid 9 cid 15 cid 10 cid 14 cid 6 cid 1 cid 5 cid 14 cid 6 cid 18 cid 3 cid 9 cid 19 2 cid 3 cid 6 cid 18 cid 3 cid 9 cid 3 cid 6 9 cid 12 cid 9 cid 3 cid 12 cid 10 cid 6 cid 8 cid 3 cid 9 cid 6 cid 16 cid 15 cid 6 cid 16 cid 16 cid 4 cid 12 cid 6 3 cid 3 cid 14 cid 5 cid 14 cid 10 cid 4 cid 4 cid 19 cid 5 cid 6 cid 7 cid 7 cid 7 cid 7 cid 8 cid 9 cid 10 cid 11 cid 5 cid 4 cid 4 cid 5 cid 12 cid 9 cid 6 cid 7 cid 6 cid 17 cid 3 cid 29 cid 7 cid 13 cid 24 cid 9 cid 29 cid 26 cid 11 cid 29 cid 7 cid 17 cid 7 cid 7 cid 8 cid 9 cid 10 cid 11 cid 2 cid 3 cid 7 cid 17 cid 2 cid 5 cid 14 cid 3 cid 6 cid 2 cid 3 cid 12 cid 4 cid 6 cid 1 cid 3 cid 15 cid 5 cid 9 cid 16 cid 14 cid 5 cid 6 cid 17 cid 2 cid 16 cid 3 cid 9 cid 6 6 cid 16 cid 11 cid 5 cid 14 5 cid 6 cid 17 cid 4 cid 5 cid 9 cid 3 cid 2 cid 3 cid 6 4 cid 3 cid 9 cid 12 cid 16 cid 6 cid 1 cid 10 cid 16 cid 6 cid 17 cid 12 cid 14 cid 6 9 cid 3 cid 9 5 cid 3 cid 9 cid 5 cid 15 cid 6 a cid 10 cid 10 cid 6 cid 3 cid 9 cid 15 cid 6 cid 1 cid 25 cid 2 cid 11 cid 25 cid 10 cid 7 cid 18 cid 9 cid 5 cid 19 cid 20 cid 12 cid 5 cid 6 cid 13 cid 2 cid 2 cid 5 cid 3 cid 14 cid 6 cid 9 cid 3 cid 14 cid 3 cid 16 cid 4 cid 5 cid 6 cid 13 cid 9 cid 16 cid 19 cid 3 cid 16 cid 14 cid 6 cid 1 cid 16 cid 14 cid 10 cid 16 cid 4 cid 6 cid 17 cid 4 cid 28 cid 3 5 cid 14 cid 10 cid 2 cid 5 cid 6 6 cid 3 cid 28 cid 10 cid 14 cid 3 cid 16 cid 4 cid 6 cid 1 cid 10 cid 9 cid 5 cid 14 cid 14 cid 5 cid 6 cid 13 cid 9 cid 16 cid 19 cid 3 cid 16 cid 14 cid 5 cid 6 6 cid 3 cid 28 cid 10 cid 14 cid 3 cid 16 cid 4 cid 5 cid 6 4 cid 10 cid 2 cid 2 cid 3 cid 14 cid 3 cid 16 cid 4 cid 6 cid 13 cid 25 cid 29 cid 7 cid 11 cid 26 cid 26 cid 11 cid 29 cid 7 cid 21 cid 22 cid 23 cid 24 cid 25 cid 23 cid 26 cid 27 cid 6 cid 24 cid 26 cid 23 cid 24 cid 27 cid 23 cid 22 cid 6 cid 25 cid 23 cid 21 cid 21 cid 23 cid 22 cid 22 cid 6 cid 21 cid 27 cid 23 cid 24 cid 29 cid 23 cid 22 cid 6 cid 25 cid 25 cid 23 cid 24 cid 27 cid 23 cid 26 cid 6 7 cid 6 cid 24 cid 23 cid 24 8 cid 23 cid 26 cid 6 cid 24 cid 23 cid 21 cid 25 cid 23 cid 27 cid 26 cid 6 cid 25 cid 25 cid 23 cid 21 cid 21 cid 23 8 cid 6 cid 24 8 cid 23 cid 24 cid 22 cid 23 cid 22 cid 26 cid 6 cid 21 cid 23 cid 24 cid 27 cid 23 cid 22 cid 6 cid 24 cid 22 cid 23 cid 24 cid 26 cid 23 cid 22 cid 6 cid 8 cid 9 cid 2 cid 29 cid 26 cid 26 cid 2 cid 11 cid 7 cid 28 cid 9 cid 10 cid 11 cid 5 cid 4 cid 4 cid 5 cid 12 cid 9 cid 6 cid 16 cid 14 cid 11 cid 10 cid 9 cid 3 cid 15 cid 16 cid 19 cid 16 cid 5 cid 14 cid 6 cid 6 cid 11 cid 10 cid 14 cid 19 cid 15 cid 16 cid 10 cid 14 cid 14 cid 3 cid 16 cid 9 cid 5

Parler de sa langue d'origine - Ressources FLE migrants | Enseigner le français avec TV5MONDE

Connaissez-vous les langues que parlent vos voisins de cours ?

didomi host didomi components button cursor pointer display block height 38px padding 0 20px font size 16px line height 18px font weight bold text align center color 555 background color eee border solid 1px rgba 34 34 34 2 didomi host didomi components button disabled opacity 4 cursor initial didomi host didomi components button span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components button font size 14px didomi host didomi screen xsmall didomi components button padding 0 10px didomi host didomi components radio display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components radio option margin right 5px cursor pointer height 25px box shadow 1px 1px 0 0 rgba 0 0 0 1 background color fff border solid 1px eee padding 0 20px line height 12px font size 12px color 757575 font weight bold transition background color 200ms border color 200ms transition timing function ease didomi host didomi components radio option hover color 757575 border color 757575 didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 0 dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 5px dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 0 didomi host didomi components radio option svg margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree background color 3d8548 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 11 5px didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree svg vertical align middle didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option disagree background color e60000 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 13 5px didomi host didomi components radio option reporting box sizing border box didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option disagree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option agree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option accepter box sizing border box didomi host didomi components accordion flex 5 didomi host didomi components accordion label click cursor pointer didomi host didomi components accordion trigger icon width 15px font size 16px display inline block text align center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content display none overflow hidden max height 0 opacity 0 visibility hidden font weight 300 text align justify transition all 1s ease in out transition property opacity max height transform visibility padding bottom didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content active display block max height 3000px opacity 1 visibility visible padding bottom 10px transition property opacity max height transform visibility overflow visible didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container label click flex 2 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion width 100 flex 1 auto didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction column flex direction column webkit flex pack start moz justify content flex start justify content flex start moz align items flex start align items flex start didomi host lds ellipsis container display flex align items center justify content center height 100 dido

1º- LA ROUTINE D’HUGO – Le Baobab Bleu

Cette dernière semaine de cours, avec la première année du niveau basique nous avons continué à travailler la routine et les loisirs. Voici une petite compréhension écrite que nous avons travaillée en cours: CE- EE- LA ROUTINE D’HUGO CORRIGÉ CE LA ROUTINE D’HUGO

image pixabay comcette derniere semaine de cours avec la premiere annee du niveau basique nous avons continue a travailler la routine et les loisirs voici une petite comprehension ecrite que nous avons travaillee en cours ce ee la routine d hugocorrige ce la routine d hugo mon blog une journee dans ma vie salut je m appelle hugo et j ai 12 ans c est fini les vacances et aujourd hui je commence a aller de nouveau au college c est la rentree en vacances je me leve tard vers 10h 10h30 mais aujourd hui je me reveille tot a 7h parce que les cours commencent a 8h30 je prends une douche rapide je m habille et apres je descends a la cuisine pour prendre mon petit dejeuner normalement je mange des tartines avec du beurre et de la confiture et je bois du lait je mange aussi des fruits apres le petit dejeuner je prepare mon cartable je prends mes livres mes cahiers et ma trousse je suis pret je sors et j attends stephie ma voisine et nous allons ensemble a l ecole nous prenons le bus a 8h et nous arrivons a l ecole ponctuellement nous avons cours jusqu a midi et apres nous avons une pause pour dejeuner nous dejeunons toujours a la cantine avec d autres camarades de classe apres le dejeuner nous continuons avec nos cours j aime beaucoup l histoire et la litterature et je deteste les maths nous devons faire trop de devoirs les cours finissent a 16h30 et je rentre chez moi je me repose un peu et apres je goute je regarde un peu la television et je discute avec ma famille puis je fais mes devoirs ou j etudie un peu mes lecons a 20h je dine avec ma famille et apres je lis un peu avant d aller au lit parfois j ecoute de la musique dans ma chambre j aime beaucoup le rock avant dormir je me brosse les dents je me deshabille et je mets mon pyjama je me couche toujours tot vers 22h30 ma routine est completement differente le weekend le samedi matin je joue au foot dans une equipe et l apres midi je sors un peu avec mes amis nous nous promenons en ville ou nous allons au centre commercial j adore y aller au cinema ou jouer aux bowlings le dimanche je fais la grasse matinee parfois je reste a la maison avec ma famille et d autres fois nous partons a la campagne et nous faisons des randonnees tres amusantes et voila ma routine et toi raconte moi un peu ce que tu fais une journee quotidienne a bientot hugo 1 dites si les affirmations suivantes sont vraies ou fausses vrai faux hugo se reveille tard avant d aller au college hugo prepare son cartable puis il dejeune hugo et stephie arrivent au college en retard ils ont une pause pour dejeuner a 12h apres le dejeuner ils n ont pas cours hugo n aime pas les mathematiques il dine et ensuite il regarde la television il se couche tard le samedi il joue au basket dans une equipe hugo n aime pas aller au cinema le dimanche il se leve tot de temps en temps il fait des randonnees en famille 2 relisez le texte et reperez les expressions qui sont utilisees pour 1 decrire des activites quotidiennes 2 decrire des loisirs 3 exprimer le temps frequence et moments de la journee 4 exprimer des gouts 3 maintenant c est a vous ecrivez une entree de votre blog personnel ou vous racontez votre routine quotidienne indiquez les activites que vous realisez a quel moment et ce que vous aimez ou vous n aimez pas mon blog une journee dans ma vie salut je m appelle hugo et j ai 12 ans c est fini les vacances et aujourd hui je commence a aller de nouveau au college c est la rentree en vacances je me leve tard vers 10h 10h30 mais aujourd hui je me reveille tot a 7h parce que les cours commencent a 8h30 je prends une douche rapide je m habille et apres je descends a la cuisine pour prendre mon petit dejeuner normalement je mange des tartines avec du beurre et de la confiture et je bois du lait je mange aussi des fruits apres le petit dejeuner je prepare mon cartable je prends mes livres mes cahiers et ma trousse je suis pret je sors et j attends stephie ma voisine et nous allons ensemble a l ecole nous prenons le bus a 8h et nous arri

Parler des inégalités hommes/femmes au travail - Ressources FLE migrants | Enseigner le français avec TV5MONDE

Charpentier ? Non. Charpentière !

didomi host didomi components button cursor pointer display block height 38px padding 0 20px font size 16px line height 18px font weight bold text align center color 555 background color eee border solid 1px rgba 34 34 34 2 didomi host didomi components button disabled opacity 4 cursor initial didomi host didomi components button span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components button font size 14px didomi host didomi screen xsmall didomi components button padding 0 10px didomi host didomi components radio display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components radio option margin right 5px cursor pointer height 25px box shadow 1px 1px 0 0 rgba 0 0 0 1 background color fff border solid 1px eee padding 0 20px line height 12px font size 12px color 757575 font weight bold transition background color 200ms border color 200ms transition timing function ease didomi host didomi components radio option hover color 757575 border color 757575 didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 0 dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 5px dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 0 didomi host didomi components radio option svg margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree background color 3d8548 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 11 5px didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree svg vertical align middle didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option disagree background color e60000 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 13 5px didomi host didomi components radio option reporting box sizing border box didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option disagree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option agree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option accepter box sizing border box didomi host didomi components accordion flex 5 didomi host didomi components accordion label click cursor pointer didomi host didomi components accordion trigger icon width 15px font size 16px display inline block text align center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content display none overflow hidden max height 0 opacity 0 visibility hidden font weight 300 text align justify transition all 1s ease in out transition property opacity max height transform visibility padding bottom didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content active display block max height 3000px opacity 1 visibility visible padding bottom 10px transition property opacity max height transform visibility overflow visible didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container label click flex 2 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion width 100 flex 1 auto didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction column flex direction column webkit flex pack start moz justify content flex start justify content flex start moz align items flex start align items flex start didomi host lds ellipsis container display flex align items center justify content center height 100 dido

Parler des moyens de transports - Ressources FLE migrants | Enseigner le français avec TV5MONDE

Vélo, bus ou voiture ? Se repérer dans ses déplacements et comprendre un plan.

didomi host didomi components button cursor pointer display block height 38px padding 0 20px font size 16px line height 18px font weight bold text align center color 555 background color eee border solid 1px rgba 34 34 34 2 didomi host didomi components button disabled opacity 4 cursor initial didomi host didomi components button span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components button font size 14px didomi host didomi screen xsmall didomi components button padding 0 10px didomi host didomi components radio display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components radio option margin right 5px cursor pointer height 25px box shadow 1px 1px 0 0 rgba 0 0 0 1 background color fff border solid 1px eee padding 0 20px line height 12px font size 12px color 757575 font weight bold transition background color 200ms border color 200ms transition timing function ease didomi host didomi components radio option hover color 757575 border color 757575 didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 0 dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 5px dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 0 didomi host didomi components radio option svg margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree background color 3d8548 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 11 5px didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree svg vertical align middle didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option disagree background color e60000 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 13 5px didomi host didomi components radio option reporting box sizing border box didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option disagree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option agree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option accepter box sizing border box didomi host didomi components accordion flex 5 didomi host didomi components accordion label click cursor pointer didomi host didomi components accordion trigger icon width 15px font size 16px display inline block text align center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content display none overflow hidden max height 0 opacity 0 visibility hidden font weight 300 text align justify transition all 1s ease in out transition property opacity max height transform visibility padding bottom didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content active display block max height 3000px opacity 1 visibility visible padding bottom 10px transition property opacity max height transform visibility overflow visible didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container label click flex 2 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion width 100 flex 1 auto didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction column flex direction column webkit flex pack start moz justify content flex start justify content flex start moz align items flex start align items flex start didomi host lds ellipsis container display flex align items center justify content center height 100 dido


Une compréhension écrite sur la vie quotidienne d’une pâtissière, mère de famille, suivie de la découverte des verbes pronominaux du 1er groupe. Ouvrir le document

une comprehension ecrite sur la vie quotidienne d une patissiere mere de famille suivie de la decouverte des verbes pronominaux du 1er groupe ouvrir le document je me reveille a 6h30 je me douche et j ecoute de la musique lisez et repondez je m appelle nassima je suis patissiere j habite a lyon avec mon fils le matin je me reveille a 6h30 je me douche je m habille je prepare le petit dejeuner a 7h je reveille mon fils il se douche il s habille nous mangeons nous ecoutons de la musique tous les matins nous adorons la musique a 8h nous montons dans le bus mon fils va a l ecole et moi je vais au magasin je travaille toute la journee je cuisine des gateaux et des desserts le soir mon fils rentre de l ecole en bus je rentre a la maison a 18h je regarde les devoirs de mon fils puis nous cuisinons le repas nous mangeons vers 19h30 nous regardons la tele et nous nous couchons le mercredi apres midi je ne travaille pas et mon fils n a pas ecole nous nous amusons nous allons au parc ou nous jouons aux jeux videos ensemble 1 quelle est la profession de nassima 2 ou habite nassima 3 nassima se reveille a quelle heure 4 son fils se reveille a quelle heure 5 nassima et son fils mangent a quelle heure 6 nassima et son fils adorent quoi 7 quel jour nassima ne travaille pas 8 elle fait quoi le mercredi observez je m appelle nassima je suis patissiere j habite a lyon avec mon fils le matin je me reveille a 6h30 je me douche je m habille je prepare le petit dejeuner a 7h je reveille mon fils il se douche il s habille nous mangeons nous ecoutons de la musique tous les matins nous adorons la musique a 8h nous montons dans le bus mon fils va a l ecole et moi je vais au magasin je travaille toute la journee je cuisine des gateaux et des desserts le soir mon fils rentre de l ecole en bus je rentre a la maison a 18h je regarde les devoirs de mon fils puis nous cuisinons le repas nous mangeons vers 19h30 nous regardons la tele et nous nous couchons le mercredi apres midi je ne travaille pas et mon fils n a pas ecole nous nous amusons nous allons au parc ou nous jouons aux jeux videos ensemble quelle est la difference entre le jaune et le rose christelle laffort flefli wordpress com 1 il y a les verbes en er les verbes du 1er groupe j habite je travaille je cuisine je rentre je regarde il mange mon fils rentre nous ecoutons nous adorons nous cuisinons nous mangeons nous regardons nous jouons j habite tu habites il habite nous habitons vous habitez ils habitent je cuisine tu cuisines il cuisine nous cuisinons vous cuisinez ils cuisinent je travaille tu travailles il travaille nous travaillons vous travaillez ils travaillent je e tu es il e nous ons vous ez ils ent il y a les verbes en se er ca s appelle les verbes pronominaux je m appelle je me douche je m habille il se douche il s habille nous nous couchons nous nous amusons s appeller se doucher s habiller se doucher s habiller se coucher s amuser la fin est comme pour les verbes er le debut change se doucher se raser se er je me douche je me rase tu il te douches se douche tu il te rases se rase je me tu te il se e es e nous nous douchons nous nous rasons nous nous ons vous vous douchez vous vous rasez vous vous ez ils se douchent ils se rasent ils se ent vous vous appelez comment je m appelle remi ma femme s appelle lara nos enfants s appellent jimmy et teo christelle laffort flefli wordpress com 2 1 completez regarder je regarde tu regardes il regard nous regard vous regard ils regard marcher je march tu march il march nous march vous march ils march exercices se laver je me lave tu te laves il lav nous lav vous lav ils lav se coiffer je coiff tu coiff il coiff nous coiff vous coiff ils coiff 2 completez les textes m gilles est patron de cafe le matin il se leve se lever a 6h il se doucher il se raser puis il ouvre le cafe m leconec est boulanger il se reveiller a 4h du matin pour faire les croissants sa femme se lever a 6h elle se preparer puis elle travailler dans le magasin ils ont 2 enfants le w

Remplir un formulaire d'inscription - Ressources FLE migrants | Enseigner le français avec TV5MONDE

Une jeune femme s’inscrit à un cours de français.

didomi host didomi components button cursor pointer display block height 38px padding 0 20px font size 16px line height 18px font weight bold text align center color 555 background color eee border solid 1px rgba 34 34 34 2 didomi host didomi components button disabled opacity 4 cursor initial didomi host didomi components button span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components button font size 14px didomi host didomi screen xsmall didomi components button padding 0 10px didomi host didomi components radio display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components radio option margin right 5px cursor pointer height 25px box shadow 1px 1px 0 0 rgba 0 0 0 1 background color fff border solid 1px eee padding 0 20px line height 12px font size 12px color 757575 font weight bold transition background color 200ms border color 200ms transition timing function ease didomi host didomi components radio option hover color 757575 border color 757575 didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 0 dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 5px dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 0 didomi host didomi components radio option svg margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree background color 3d8548 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 11 5px didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree svg vertical align middle didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option disagree background color e60000 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 13 5px didomi host didomi components radio option reporting box sizing border box didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option disagree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option agree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option accepter box sizing border box didomi host didomi components accordion flex 5 didomi host didomi components accordion label click cursor pointer didomi host didomi components accordion trigger icon width 15px font size 16px display inline block text align center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content display none overflow hidden max height 0 opacity 0 visibility hidden font weight 300 text align justify transition all 1s ease in out transition property opacity max height transform visibility padding bottom didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content active display block max height 3000px opacity 1 visibility visible padding bottom 10px transition property opacity max height transform visibility overflow visible didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container label click flex 2 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion width 100 flex 1 auto didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction column flex direction column webkit flex pack start moz justify content flex start justify content flex start moz align items flex start align items flex start didomi host lds ellipsis container display flex align items center justify content center height 100 dido

Parler de la famille - Ressources FLE migrants | Enseigner le français avec TV5MONDE

Vivre en concubinage, se pacser, se marier... Comment cela fonctionne ?

didomi host didomi components button cursor pointer display block height 38px padding 0 20px font size 16px line height 18px font weight bold text align center color 555 background color eee border solid 1px rgba 34 34 34 2 didomi host didomi components button disabled opacity 4 cursor initial didomi host didomi components button span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components button font size 14px didomi host didomi screen xsmall didomi components button padding 0 10px didomi host didomi components radio display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components radio option margin right 5px cursor pointer height 25px box shadow 1px 1px 0 0 rgba 0 0 0 1 background color fff border solid 1px eee padding 0 20px line height 12px font size 12px color 757575 font weight bold transition background color 200ms border color 200ms transition timing function ease didomi host didomi components radio option hover color 757575 border color 757575 didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 0 dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 5px dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 0 didomi host didomi components radio option svg margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree background color 3d8548 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 11 5px didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree svg vertical align middle didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option disagree background color e60000 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 13 5px didomi host didomi components radio option reporting box sizing border box didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option disagree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option agree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option accepter box sizing border box didomi host didomi components accordion flex 5 didomi host didomi components accordion label click cursor pointer didomi host didomi components accordion trigger icon width 15px font size 16px display inline block text align center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content display none overflow hidden max height 0 opacity 0 visibility hidden font weight 300 text align justify transition all 1s ease in out transition property opacity max height transform visibility padding bottom didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content active display block max height 3000px opacity 1 visibility visible padding bottom 10px transition property opacity max height transform visibility overflow visible didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container label click flex 2 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion width 100 flex 1 auto didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction column flex direction column webkit flex pack start moz justify content flex start justify content flex start moz align items flex start align items flex start didomi host lds ellipsis container display flex align items center justify content center height 100 dido

Parler de la laïcité - Ressources FLE migrants | Enseigner le français avec TV5MONDE

Un État laïque, c’est quoi au juste ? Échanger sur la laïcité et construire un vivre ensemble harmonieux.

didomi host didomi components button cursor pointer display block height 38px padding 0 20px font size 16px line height 18px font weight bold text align center color 555 background color eee border solid 1px rgba 34 34 34 2 didomi host didomi components button disabled opacity 4 cursor initial didomi host didomi components button span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components button font size 14px didomi host didomi screen xsmall didomi components button padding 0 10px didomi host didomi components radio display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components radio option margin right 5px cursor pointer height 25px box shadow 1px 1px 0 0 rgba 0 0 0 1 background color fff border solid 1px eee padding 0 20px line height 12px font size 12px color 757575 font weight bold transition background color 200ms border color 200ms transition timing function ease didomi host didomi components radio option hover color 757575 border color 757575 didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 0 dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 5px dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 0 didomi host didomi components radio option svg margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree background color 3d8548 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 11 5px didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree svg vertical align middle didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option disagree background color e60000 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 13 5px didomi host didomi components radio option reporting box sizing border box didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option disagree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option agree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option accepter box sizing border box didomi host didomi components accordion flex 5 didomi host didomi components accordion label click cursor pointer didomi host didomi components accordion trigger icon width 15px font size 16px display inline block text align center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content display none overflow hidden max height 0 opacity 0 visibility hidden font weight 300 text align justify transition all 1s ease in out transition property opacity max height transform visibility padding bottom didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content active display block max height 3000px opacity 1 visibility visible padding bottom 10px transition property opacity max height transform visibility overflow visible didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container label click flex 2 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion width 100 flex 1 auto didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction column flex direction column webkit flex pack start moz justify content flex start justify content flex start moz align items flex start align items flex start didomi host lds ellipsis container display flex align items center justify content center height 100 dido

Parler de sa santé - Ressources FLE migrants | Enseigner le français avec TV5MONDE

Du rhum, du miel et du citron, un remède efficace contre la grippe ?

didomi host didomi components button cursor pointer display block height 38px padding 0 20px font size 16px line height 18px font weight bold text align center color 555 background color eee border solid 1px rgba 34 34 34 2 didomi host didomi components button disabled opacity 4 cursor initial didomi host didomi components button span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components button font size 14px didomi host didomi screen xsmall didomi components button padding 0 10px didomi host didomi components radio display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components radio option margin right 5px cursor pointer height 25px box shadow 1px 1px 0 0 rgba 0 0 0 1 background color fff border solid 1px eee padding 0 20px line height 12px font size 12px color 757575 font weight bold transition background color 200ms border color 200ms transition timing function ease didomi host didomi components radio option hover color 757575 border color 757575 didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 0 dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 5px dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 0 didomi host didomi components radio option svg margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree background color 3d8548 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 11 5px didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree svg vertical align middle didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option disagree background color e60000 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 13 5px didomi host didomi components radio option reporting box sizing border box didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option disagree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option agree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option accepter box sizing border box didomi host didomi components accordion flex 5 didomi host didomi components accordion label click cursor pointer didomi host didomi components accordion trigger icon width 15px font size 16px display inline block text align center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content display none overflow hidden max height 0 opacity 0 visibility hidden font weight 300 text align justify transition all 1s ease in out transition property opacity max height transform visibility padding bottom didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content active display block max height 3000px opacity 1 visibility visible padding bottom 10px transition property opacity max height transform visibility overflow visible didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container label click flex 2 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion width 100 flex 1 auto didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction column flex direction column webkit flex pack start moz justify content flex start justify content flex start moz align items flex start align items flex start didomi host lds ellipsis container display flex align items center justify content center height 100 dido

Parler de sorties culturelles - Ressources FLE migrants | Enseigner le français avec TV5MONDE

« Un ticket s’il vous plaît ! »

didomi host didomi components button cursor pointer display block height 38px padding 0 20px font size 16px line height 18px font weight bold text align center color 555 background color eee border solid 1px rgba 34 34 34 2 didomi host didomi components button disabled opacity 4 cursor initial didomi host didomi components button span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components button font size 14px didomi host didomi screen xsmall didomi components button padding 0 10px didomi host didomi components radio display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components radio option margin right 5px cursor pointer height 25px box shadow 1px 1px 0 0 rgba 0 0 0 1 background color fff border solid 1px eee padding 0 20px line height 12px font size 12px color 757575 font weight bold transition background color 200ms border color 200ms transition timing function ease didomi host didomi components radio option hover color 757575 border color 757575 didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 0 dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 5px dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 0 didomi host didomi components radio option svg margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree background color 3d8548 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 11 5px didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree svg vertical align middle didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option disagree background color e60000 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 13 5px didomi host didomi components radio option reporting box sizing border box didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option disagree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option agree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option accepter box sizing border box didomi host didomi components accordion flex 5 didomi host didomi components accordion label click cursor pointer didomi host didomi components accordion trigger icon width 15px font size 16px display inline block text align center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content display none overflow hidden max height 0 opacity 0 visibility hidden font weight 300 text align justify transition all 1s ease in out transition property opacity max height transform visibility padding bottom didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content active display block max height 3000px opacity 1 visibility visible padding bottom 10px transition property opacity max height transform visibility overflow visible didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container label click flex 2 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion width 100 flex 1 auto didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction column flex direction column webkit flex pack start moz justify content flex start justify content flex start moz align items flex start align items flex start didomi host lds ellipsis container display flex align items center justify content center height 100 dido

Parler des symboles de la République française - Ressources FLE migrants | Enseigner le français avec TV5MONDE

Petite histoire des symboles de la République. Connaître et reconnaître quatre symboles de la République française.

didomi host didomi components button cursor pointer display block height 38px padding 0 20px font size 16px line height 18px font weight bold text align center color 555 background color eee border solid 1px rgba 34 34 34 2 didomi host didomi components button disabled opacity 4 cursor initial didomi host didomi components button span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components button font size 14px didomi host didomi screen xsmall didomi components button padding 0 10px didomi host didomi components radio display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components radio option margin right 5px cursor pointer height 25px box shadow 1px 1px 0 0 rgba 0 0 0 1 background color fff border solid 1px eee padding 0 20px line height 12px font size 12px color 757575 font weight bold transition background color 200ms border color 200ms transition timing function ease didomi host didomi components radio option hover color 757575 border color 757575 didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 0 dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 5px dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 0 didomi host didomi components radio option svg margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree background color 3d8548 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 11 5px didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree svg vertical align middle didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option disagree background color e60000 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 13 5px didomi host didomi components radio option reporting box sizing border box didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option disagree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option agree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option accepter box sizing border box didomi host didomi components accordion flex 5 didomi host didomi components accordion label click cursor pointer didomi host didomi components accordion trigger icon width 15px font size 16px display inline block text align center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content display none overflow hidden max height 0 opacity 0 visibility hidden font weight 300 text align justify transition all 1s ease in out transition property opacity max height transform visibility padding bottom didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content active display block max height 3000px opacity 1 visibility visible padding bottom 10px transition property opacity max height transform visibility overflow visible didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container label click flex 2 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion width 100 flex 1 auto didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction column flex direction column webkit flex pack start moz justify content flex start justify content flex start moz align items flex start align items flex start didomi host lds ellipsis container display flex align items center justify content center height 100 dido